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Kandol Lake: Nestled at an altitude of about 3,500 meters, Kandol Lake is renowned for its crystal-clear turquoise waters surrounded by lush green meadows and snow-capped peaks. The serene environment provides a perfect spot for camping and photography.

Spinkhowar Lake: A lesser-known yet equally stunning lake, Spinkhowar (White Stream), offers pristine beauty and tranquility. The trail to this lake is more challenging, making it ideal for adventurous trekkers seeking a rewarding experience.

Best Time to Visit: The ideal time to undertake this trek is from June to September when the weather is pleasant, and the trails are accessible. During this period, the meadows are in full bloom, and the lakes are at their most picturesque.

The trek typically takes 3-4 days to complete, depending on your pace and fitness level. It is considered moderately difficult, suitable for trekkers with some prior experience. The trails involve steep ascents and rugged terrains, so good physical conditioning is recommended.

Along the trek, you'll encounter the warm hospitality of the local Pashtun communities. This region is rich in cultural heritage, and visitors can explore traditional villages, interact with locals, and experience their way of life.

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