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The Shimshal Pass/Pamir Trek is a challenging yet rewarding journey that takes you through some of the most remote and untouched regions of the world. This trek offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich culture and hospitality of the local communities, including the resilient Shimshali people who call this region home. The trek typically begins in the picturesque village of Shimshal, where trekkers can acclimatize and soak in the stunning surroundings before embarking on the adventure ahead. From there, the trail winds its way through narrow valleys, high mountain passes, and ancient glaciers, offering unparalleled views at every turn.

Along the way, trekkers may encounter a diverse range of wildlife, including ibex, Marco Polo sheep, and even the elusive snow leopard. The route also presents opportunities to interact with nomadic herders and learn about their traditional way of life.

One of the highlights of the trek is crossing the formidable Shimshal Pass itself, a challenging ascent that rewards intrepid trekkers with panoramic views of the surrounding peaks and valleys. From the pass, the trail descends into the legendary Pamir Plateau, where vast expanses of high-altitude desert stretch out beneath the towering mountains.

We ensure all necessary permits and provide local guides.

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Day 1

Arrive at Islamabad International Airport. Transfer to your hotel for rest and relaxation. Meet your trekking guide for a briefing on the upcoming adventure. Explore Islamabad if time permits.

Day 2

Islamabad to Gilgit. Take a scenic flight or drive to Gilgit, the capital city of Gilgit-Baltistan. Enjoy breathtaking views of the Himalayas and Karakoram Range along the way. Check into your hotel in Gilgit. Rest and acclimatize to the altitude.

Day 3

Gilgit to Shimshal Village. Depart for Shimshal Village by private jeep. Journey through stunning mountain landscapes and remote villages. Arrive at Shimshal Village, a gateway to the Pamir Mountains. Overnight stay in a local guesthouse or camping under the stars.

Day 4-5

Shimshal Village to Shimshal Pass Base Camp. Begin your trek towards Shimshal Pass, the highest mountain pass in the region. Trek through picturesque valleys, crossing streams and rugged terrain. Camp at designated spots along the trail, surrounded by majestic peaks. Enjoy evenings around the campfire, sharing stories with fellow trekkers.

Day 6-8

Shimshal Pass Base Camp to Pamir Plateau. Ascend towards Shimshal Pass, conquering challenging terrain and high altitudes. Reach the summit of Shimshal Pass and marvel at panoramic views of the Pamir Mountains.Descend into the Pamir Plateau, a remote and pristine wilderness. Trek across vast expanses of alpine meadows and glaciers. Camp at scenic locations, soaking in the tranquility of the Pamir region.

Day 9-11

Exploring the Pamir Plateau. Spend the next few days exploring the Pamir Plateau on day hikes and excursions. Encounter local wildlife such as ibex, Marco Polo sheep, and marmots. Visit traditional Pamiri settlements and interact with friendly locals. Take in the beauty of crystal-clear lakes and towering peaks.Enjoy the freedom of wilderness camping in one of the most remote regions on Earth.

Day 12-14

Return Journey to Islamabad. Bid farewell to the Pamir Plateau and begin your journey back to Islamabad. Reflect on the unforgettable experiences and memories of the trek. Arrive in Islamabad and check into your hotel. Spend your final days in Pakistan exploring the vibrant culture and cuisine of Islamabad. Depart for your onward journey, taking with you the spirit of adventure and the beauty of the Pamir Mountains.

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