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This trek is classified as challenging due to its high altitude, difficult terrain, and remote location. It is recommended for experienced trekkers with good physical fitness. The most common route starts from the village of Askole, passing through the Biafo Glacier to reach Snow Lake, and then crossing the Hispar La to descend via the Hispar Glacier to the village of Hispar. The trek also offers a glimpse into the traditional lifestyle of the Balti people, known for their hospitality and unique cultural heritage. Trekkers often have the opportunity to explore local villages, experiencing the rich traditions and customs of the region.

Best Time to Visit: The ideal time to embark on the Snow Lake trek is from June to August when the weather is relatively stable, and the glaciers are more navigable.

We ensure all necessary permits and provide local guides.

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Day 1

Arrival at Islamabad International Airport. Transfer to hotel and rest. Briefing and preparation for the trek. Explore Islamabad, visiting landmarks like Faisal Mosque, Pakistan Monument and dinner at Margalla Hill top. Overnight stay in Islamabad.

Day 2

Flight to Skardu. Early morning flight from Islamabad to Skardu (weather dependent). Transfer to hotel in Skardu. Afternoon sightseeing (Kachura Lake, Shangri-La Resort) and acclimatization in Skardu Valley.

Day 3

Skardu to Askole (3,000 meters). Drive to Askole, the last village before the trek begins (approx. 6-8 hours). Overnight in tents at Askole.

Day 4

Trek to Jhula (3,200 meters). Trekking begins with a 6-7 hour hike to Jhula. Follow the Braldu River, crossing suspension bridges. Camp overnight by the river.

Day 5

Jhula to Paiyu (3,450 meters). A 7-8 hour trek to Paiyu. View stunning rock formations and the distant Trango Towers. Camp at Paiyu with breathtaking mountain views.

Day 6

Acclimatization Day at Paiyu. Rest day for acclimatization. Explore the surroundings and prepare for higher altitudes.

Day 7

Paiyu to Urdukas (4,130 meters). A 6-7 hour trek along the Baltoro Glacier to Urdukas. Spectacular views of Paiyu Peak, Uli Biaho, and Trango Towers. Camp at Urdukas, offering panoramic views.

Day 8

Urdukas to Goro II (4,250 meters). A challenging 6-7 hour trek on the glacier to Goro II. Pass through icy terrain with views of Masherbrum and Gasherbrum IV. Overnight camping on the glacier.

Day 9

Goro II to Concordia (4,600 meters). 6-7 hours trek to Concordia, known as the “Throne Room of the Mountain Gods”. Close-up views of K2, Broad Peak, and other towering peaks. Camp at Concordia, one of the most stunning campsites in the world.

Day 10

Concordia to Hispar La Base Camp (4,900 meters). 6-7 hour trek towards the Hispar La Base Camp. Camp at the base, preparing for the pass crossing.

Day 11

Cross Hispar La (5,151 meters) to Khani Basa (4,400 meters). A demanding 8-9 hour trek crossing Hispar La, offering unparalleled views of Snow Lake. Descent to Khani Basa for overnight camping.

Day 12

Khani Basa to Jutmal (3,300 meters). A 6-7 hour trek descending through the Hispar Glacier. Reach Jutmal and camp overnight.

Day 13

Jutmal to Hispar Village (3,200 meters). Final 5-6 hour trek to Hispar Village. End of the trekking part of the journey. Transfer to Karimabad in the Hunza Valley for rest and celebration.

Day 14

Your Plan

Hunza Valley Exploration. Explore the beautiful Hunza Valley, visiting Baltit and Altit forts. Enjoy local cuisine and hospitality. Overnight in Karimabad.

Day 15

Your Plan

Return to Islamabad. Drive or fly back to Islamabad (depending on weather conditions and road accessibility). Free time for shopping and sightseeing in Islamabad. Overnight at hotel.

Day 16

Departure. Transfer to Islamabad International Airport for departure.

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