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Starting from the picturesque town of Skardu, the gateway to the Karakoram, trekkers embark on a journey through the tranquil Haramosh Valley. One of the highlights of the trek is reaching the base camp of Haramosh Peak, standing tall at 7,409 meters (24,308 feet). The base camp offers a stunning vantage point to witness the grandeur of the surrounding peaks and glaciers, including the Haramosh Glacier, one of the longest glaciers in the region.

The Kutwal Valley, an offshoot of the Haramosh Valley, presents its own set of challenges and rewards. Trekkers navigate narrow trails, cross suspension bridges over roaring rivers, and camp under the starry skies amidst breathtaking scenery.

The Haramosh/Kutwal Valley Trek is best undertaken between June and September when the weather is mild and the trails are accessible. However, it's essential to be well-prepared for the challenging terrain and high altitude conditions.

For international adventure lovers and trekkers seeking an unforgettable experience in the heart of the Karakoram, the Haramosh/Kutwal Valley Trek promises an immersive journey through some of the most pristine and awe-inspiring landscapes on Earth.

Sure, here's an itinerary for a trek in the Haramosh/Kutwal Valley for international adventure lovers and trekkers:

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Day 1

Arrival at Islamabad International Airport. Transfer to hotel and take the day to rest and acclimatize to the time zone. If time permits, explore some of Islamabad's landmarks like Faisal Mosque or Lok Virsa Museum and dinner at the Margalla hill top restaurant for night view of the capital.

Day 2

Islamabad to Gilgit. Early morning flight to Gilgit, the gateway to the Karakoram Range. Upon arrival, transfer to hotel and spend the day exploring Gilgit city. Visit the local bazaars and enjoy the scenic beauty of the Gilgit River.

Day 3

Gilgit to Kutwal Valley. Drive from Gilgit to the village of Thalpan. Begin trekking towards Kutwal Valley, passing through picturesque landscapes and small villages. Set up camp in the beautiful surroundings of Kutwal Valley for the night.

Day 4-6

Trekking in Haramosh/Kutwal Valley. Spend the next three days trekking deeper into the Haramosh/Kutwal Valley. Marvel at the stunning mountain scenery, including views of the Haramosh Peak and surrounding glaciers. Encounter diverse flora and fauna as you hike through the valley. Camping in different locations each night, immersing yourself in the tranquility of the wilderness.

Day 7

Explore Kutwal Village. Reach Kutwal Village and take some time to explore the local culture and way of life. Visit the village mosque, interact with locals, and learn about their traditions. Enjoy a traditional Pakistani meal with your hosts and experience the warm hospitality of the people.

Day 8

Trek back to Thalpan. Begin your trek back to Thalpan, retracing your steps through the valley. Take in the panoramic views one last time as you bid farewell to the mountains. Arrive in Thalpan by evening and spend the night at a guesthouse.

Day 9

Return to Gilgit. Drive back to Gilgit and spend the day relaxing or exploring more of the city. Visit historic sites such as the Gilgit Fort or enjoy a leisurely stroll along the Gilgit River.

Day 10

Gilgit to Islamabad. Take a morning flight back to Islamabad. Upon arrival, transfer to your hotel and spend the rest of the day at leisure. Optionally, explore some of Islamabad's attractions such as Faisal Mosque or Lok Virsa Museum.

Day 11

Departure. Transfer to Islamabad International Airport for your onward journey, taking with you unforgettable memories of your trekking adventure in the Haramosh/Kutwal Valley.

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