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Day 1

Arrival in Islamabad. Arrival at Islamabad International Airport. Meet and greet by tour representative. Transfer to the hotel for check-in. Sightseeing tour of Islamabad, including Faisal Mosque, Daman-e-Koh, and Pakistan Monument. Welcome dinner at a traditional Pakistani restaurant. Overnight stay at the hotel in Islamabad.

Day 2

Islamabad to Chitral. Breakfast at the hotel. Transfer to Islamabad Airport for a domestic flight to Chitral. Arrival in Chitral. Transfer to the hotel and check-in. Explore Chitral town, visit the Chitral Fort and the Shahi Mosque. Overnight stay in Chitral.

Day 3

Your Plan

Chitral to Bamburet Valley. Breakfast at the hotel. Drive to Bamburet Valley in the Kalash region (2-3 hours drive). Check-in at a local guesthouse in Bamburet. Explore the Kalash Valley, visit the local museum and interact with the Kalash community. Overnight stay in Bamburet Valley.

Day 4

Bamburet Valley to Ayun and Rumbur Valley. Breakfast at the guesthouse. Drive to Ayun and then to Rumbur Valley. Check-in at a guesthouse in Rumbur Valley. Explore Rumbur Valley, visit local villages and enjoy the scenic beauty. Overnight stay in Rumbur Valley.

Day 5

Rumbur Valley to Tirich Mir Basecamp. Breakfast at the guesthouse. Drive to the starting point of the trek. Begin the trek to Tirich Mir Basecamp. Arrival at the basecamp. Set up camp and enjoy the breathtaking views. Overnight stay at Tirich Mir Basecamp.

Day 6

Explore Tirich Mir Basecamp. Breakfast at the camp. Guided exploration around the basecamp area. Dinner at the camp. Overnight stay at Tirich Mir Basecamp.

Day 7

Trek Back to Rumbur Valley. Breakfast at the camp. Begin the trek back to Rumbur Valley. Arrival in Rumbur Valley. Check-in at the guesthouse. Overnight stay in Rumbur Valley.

Day 8

Rumbur Valley to Chitral. Breakfast at the guesthouse. Drive back to Chitral. Check-in at the hotel in Chitral. Free time to explore Chitral or relax. Overnight stay in Chitral.

Day 9

Chitral to Islamabad. Breakfast at the hotel. Transfer to Chitral Airport for the flight back to Islamabad. Farewell dinner at a local restaurant. Overnight stay at the hotel in Islamabad. Departure next day

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